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abc for a friend group and itzchocolatepal your in my friend group:)!

And plz

what GURLL






Deleted 3 years ago


soo i have a gc in roblox my acc iifluff99

I can be your friend

add me in roblox iifluff99

sorry this is so late I stopped going on here a lot but I  sent a friend request on roblox

i dont see a friend request yet

abc for a friend


ABC username: itzchocolatepal

add me in roblox iifluff99

oh ok let me log to my roblox acc


why arent you logging in?

Hay can help this guy reach his goal? GTA - Bombay by walllbreaker2 (

I would if I could, dollars in rand is alot more expensive.

I am from the UK

by way I have a new user on discord.

yex I saw it

Hey, I just wanna say I have a Gacha Character redesign. Respond with your characters please to have them redesigned.

i don't have any at the moment, do you have discord?

No, sorry.

Could u make one or...?

No, I can’t.

. .


When I try to select something like studio mode instead it will show me questions. Some sort of bug i believe


yes maybe, I am remaking Gachaness completely now and also what version of the game are you using exactly because the web version is outdated.


I was using the web version!

question 3 is innacurate. it said gacha life but actually gacha studio came out first.

(1 edit)

Oh my god, I got this same comment alot of times and it's just, ugh, if you are playing an older or the online version of Gachaness it's well, old, the online one is the first version. I never updated the online version since.

Please download and install on a computer and download the latest or previous version.

Latest(Not recommended, you will see why)

Previous version(Recommended)

please quickly update it !

I can't no computer at the time :(

1: 3 years

2: LenTottally

3: Gacha Life ?



the game is not that bad but maybe you can make the questions easy their to hard for me

Uhh ok, I will in a new update by may take long





ok, I know, the game is on hold for now, please wait for new update

Deleted 3 years ago



I dont like how you have to answer a lot of questions about Gacha stuff


Me or You? If Me, I know right. If you mean you, yourself in the game then, im sorry to hear, how many questions?

Sorry for no update in awhile :(




don’t question it 

Kamakura kamakura yass queen, what are you doing on a gacha game


oh srry did i respond to the wrong person?

because I’m just Monaca Towa in disguise but don’t tell anyone

:0 ok i won't i pinky swear

good :)

(1 edit)

i downloded  it and it never let me play idk why .-.


Hmm, if you have PowerPoint 2013 or higher it should work.

It's not a game in a .apk or .exe file or anything. It's a ppt game.

And it works BEST on Windows (including Surface Pro)


oh ok i hav a windows 7 but i dont have ppt sorry if this comment was a waste of your time

(1 edit) (+1)

It will be exe and apk soon


ok thank you that would help a lottt


gacha studio came out before gacha club and gacha life bruh

i know, what version of gachaness r u on so I can fix it or tell u somethin'?


New update done!

(1 edit)

I know i have not updated in a WHILE like since December 24th 2020, like i updated this in 97 days! I am making a MAJOR UPDATE for Gachaness videos. You people must know what it is hehe. Anyway it will come soon in a swf, sb3, sb2 or exe(including apk) Its coming soon so please be patient :D

This project is no more on hold!


the game is really confusing to understand what to do, but this is well made, and i thought gacha studio came out first but i guess i got it wrong hahah!


i know, i am having problems


can i install that on an android advice. just asking

(1 edit) (+1)

No not yet, im still finding a way to make an android and iOS version of this game.

Try these 2 games, they are for android too!:

Downhill Bike Ragdoll

Particle System



(1 edit)



i like the fact it was made in powerpoint


Thank you :3


Hate it only two characters, And you should make it so we can make our own characters!!


It's under development, it's made in PowerPoint and I still don't know how to make Character Customization!!!

did post to you on discord how to make a dress-up part to you PE games

i will soon

it was actually gacha studio that came first ok

I know


It's cool gj

Thx :D



the download not working for me. I know can play the online one.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry, try downloading at this mediafire folder and select the latest version which the current one is v0.2


I did go in it I don't know what do next I did download it by way. One day I like make 3D games with my brother.😃

Click on "Gachaness BETA v0.2" then it will lead you to download page then click download, new version is coming by the way but we have problems so it be DELAYED

(1 edit)

Also, I sent an email to you, anyway, the .mov file is not opening, please export it to .mp4  so if you are on iOS and renamed .movie to .mov then it wont open. Please try openingit yourself and make another file and open it for yourself in a proper video opener or something.

This is the link to the file from the form stored by Google Forms: A (1) - Trinity

Plz accept access to this:

Click Run online to run online

It may be my laptop

Wanna stay up to date with gachaness or other games that we/I make? Go to PE Studios Blog


ok One day I like make my own gacha game

It's not getting me download i

(1 edit)

Its working for me and others i guess, try playing it in the browser.

Try downloading again



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(of course death)

I fixed it :D



Fixed it :D

I dont get it , Why isnt gacha studio first on the list . Since gacha studio was made first 

i relized that long ago and i'll fix it, development is paused, tomorrow it will continue tommorow with devlogs

i did not to put it in order because i want the user to pick out of the order instead of picking first, ez

woah you put so much effort into it I BELIEVE IN YOU GURL!

i'm a boy, just because i made this page pink does not mean i'm a girl. Its gonna be a long time for a new beta or full release update tho

Just note: I'm a boy

Consider following me, if u want


xD when i say gurl i mean evryone- same with boi (DAMN BOI)

(1 edit)

I saw this long ago but this is what I would say anyway if it was 4 months ago now.:

Oh :/

Lets pretend this never happened :D


(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

I made it in 3 DAYS!!!

3 dislikes :/

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